Sims found various ways to relieve tension.
Several spent quite a bit of time at the bar, alone or in
small groups.
Some simply enjoyed some time for relaxation.
Some focused intently on jobs or skills, either to finish up
on a high note, to add a few extra points, or to get ready for the next stage
of their adventures.
Reece seems concerned that something may be amiss here.
There were a number of impromptu gatherings. Some went pleasantly…
Some didn’t.
On Day 19, Deb found herself in the Super Sim chair for the
very first time!
She was so excited she
showed up half an hour early to savor the experience!
Morning Meeting was a lively one, with contestants taking
one of their last opportunities to get some things off their chests…
…to make sure their opinions of one another were made clear…
…and to share their thoughts about the end of the competition.
Everyone knew that by the next day, it would all be decided, one way or another.
I'm quite excited to see who will win! With the change of selling stuff few days back, there might be some changes, right! And LOL at the watering picture AND to Deb being 30 mins early in the green chair :D