Friday, October 10, 2014

Let Them Eat Cake: Day 11

Perhaps Alysha had a premonition, or a dream—it’s hard to say why she woke up so excited on the 11th morning in HRS.  Shortly after wake-up call, she was to be found down at the bar, mixing herself an early-morning drink!  This was the first time she’d ever done such a thing.  Of course, it's also possible that the stress was getting to her....

The rest of the household was, as usual, enjoying a breakfast of hamburgers hot off the grill.  Many continued to savor their burgers throughout Morning Meeting. 

Aileen had two topics to cover that morning—she couldn’t help feeling relieved that it hadn’t been her job to chair the previous day’s meeting.  She was pretty sure that there would have been even more chaos and outrage on Scores Day, had it not been for the fact that Keira was holding the Super Sim spot.  Sims were pretty wary around Keira—her behavior and temper could be uncertain and unpredictable and everyone tended to step lightly.

First of all, Aileen read out that the Sim in Spot that day was a fishing opportunity.  The chosen sim would be asked to fish in the canal close to HRS during the morning, then visit another fishing location later in the day. The requirement was to bring home six fish of any type or size.  All eyes turned to Alysha, who had been very vocal in expressing her desire to try out the fishing around Willow Creek.  To no one’s surprise, she quickly jumped at the chance.

Aileen also announced that the Spencer-Kim-Lewis family would be coming over for a small house party that evening, to repay them for their earlier hospitality.  She implored them to all do their part to make the best possible impression.  Somewhat surprisingly, she didn’t get any pushback on this—sims offered to clean up around the house and volunteered menu ideas.

To everyone’s astonishment, Braylen even said he'd make sure that the bathrooms were in good shape.
Hunter stepped up to the plate by assuring them that he’d have the electrical short in the jukebox repaired in plenty of time for the party.

While the other sims scattered to take care of their various tasks, Alysha couldn’t wait to get out to the fishing hole.  She spent a couple of hours there, then headed off to the lagoon behind the library, where she’d seen a promising location.

When the guests began arriving that evening, all the sims were actually awake and on their best behavior.  Unfortunately, that didn’t prevent the conversations from taking a difficult turn.  Aileen was at a loss to know how to respond to Vivian Lewis’ disclosure of her problems with incontinence.

Reece had an equally awkward discussion of current events with Tommy.


Slowly the party started to warm up.

Deb outdid herself with a lovely cake, which was extremely popular with the household and guests alike.

And Hunter proved to be as good as his word—the jukebox was fully operational.

By the end of the evening, everyone was feeling quite successful—except poor Alysha. 

It turned out that fishing wasn’t the slam dunk she’d always supposed, and she had trailed back to the house, sunburned and tired, with only two fish in her creel.  One was a small perch which she put in the refrigerator, hoping for fish tacos for dinner the next day.

The second fish, though, was far too tiny to provide a meal.  Alysha, feeling sorry for the poor little minnow, had tucked him into her water bottle for safekeeping, and now released him into the fish bowl which had stood empty on the counter for their entire time in the HRS.  Meet Minou the minnow, the newest member of the HRS household!


  1. Hi, good to see that your project goes on with frequent updates! I read a chapter yesterday, but was interrupted, and now I'm not sure whicj one it was LOL. Felt sorry for those with low score though, think it was Hunter and Deborah. And great cake! Welcome Minou! :)

  2. Oh, the sorrow of incontinence!! At least no one collapsed at this party, and the cake was lovely. I hope this baby fish makes it through the experiment!!
